Find 5 Best SEO Experts in Pune For Your Business

5 Best SEO experts in Pune

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Are you looking to improve your brand’s online presence in Pune, India through search engine optimization (SEO)? If so, you may be pleased to know that SEO can potentially yield a high return on investment for certain business categories. While it may take up to two years for a successful SEO campaign to reach its full potential, you may start seeing minimal returns within six to twelve months.

However, it is important to invest in the right SEO expert or company in order to get the best results. As a Google-certified SEO freelancer in India with over five years of experience working on various SEO projects, I have had the opportunity to work with businesses of all sizes across different industries.

I have seen firsthand the challenges that business owners and HR professionals face when it comes to finding the right SEO candidate or building a competent SEO team. Some may opt for cheaper options and end up losing faith in SEO, while others may see their competitors thrive and rank higher on Google and other search engines due to their effective use of SEO.

So, how do you find the right SEO expert or consultant in Pune? What criteria should you use to filter candidates? Should you prioritise expertise or years of experience? How can you verify the credibility and authenticity of an SEO expert?

In this article, we will address these questions and more as we work together to find the perfect SEO expert for your business in Pune. Before we start the hiring process, it is important to first address an essential question

Comparing SEO Experts and SEO Agencies: Pros and Cons

When deciding on an SEO strategy, you have the option of hiring an agency or an individual expert. While both options have their own benefits and drawbacks, the right choice for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Some things to consider include:

SEO Agency

  • A team of experts, such as those found at an SEO agency, can bring a range of skills and experience to the table, providing a more comprehensive approach to optimizing your website for search engines. With access to a variety of resources and tools, an agency may be better equipped to handle complex tasks and drive more effective campaigns. Additionally, agencies often have experience working with clients in various industries, giving them valuable insights and perspectives.
  • On the other hand, hiring an SEO agency can be more expensive than working with an individual expert and may involve less personalization. Results may also take longer to achieve due to the need for coordination among team members. While an agency may have a wealth of knowledge and resources, building a close relationship with the team may be more challenging compared to working with an individual expert.

SEO Expert/SEO Consultant

  • An individual expert can be a cost-effective option and may offer a more personalized experience. They may also be more attuned to your specific needs and concerns.
  • A single expert may have a specialized area of expertise that aligns with your specific goals and needs.
  • However, it is worth noting that an individual expert may not have the same range of skills and experience as an agency, and may not have access to the same resources and tools. They may also have limited exposure to working with clients in various industries.


Ultimately, the choice between hiring an SEO agency or an individual expert will depend on your individual needs and objectives. Consider discussing your priorities with potential candidates to determine which option is the best fit for your business. Keep in mind that an SEO agency may offer a more comprehensive approach and have more resources at their disposal, while an individual expert may be more cost-effective and provide a more personalized approach. Ultimately, the decision will come down to which option aligns best with your specific goals and requirements.


Step 1 – Finding The Right Candidate

seo expert in pune

Did you know that SEO experts in Pune are consistently in high demand? Data from Google’s Keyword Planner tool shows that the average monthly search volume for the keyword “SEO expert in Pune” is 250.

seo expert in pune - breakdown by cities

If you’re looking to hire a freelance SEO specialist in Pune, you’re not alone. Many people are searching for these professionals to help optimize their websites for search engines.

To find the right expert for your needs, a good place to start is by doing a Google search for “SEO expert in Pune.” This will present you with a range of results, organized into four categories. From there, you can begin researching and comparing different experts to find the one that best fits your requirements.

google search engine result page on the keyword seo expert in kerala

There are a number of options for finding SEO experts in Pune, including:

  1. Google Maps: There are over 250 local SEO experts or consultants in Pune who are registered on Google Maps. This can be a good place to start your search for an expert.
  2. Independent SEO experts: These are individuals who have their own websites featuring their names and often their photos. They may have achieved high rankings for the keyword “SEO expert in Pune,” which is searched an average of 450 times per month according to Google.
  3. Third-party websites: Platforms such as Upwork, Freelancer, and Clutch feature Pune-based SEO experts with reviews and ratings. This can be a reliable place to find an expert.
  4. SEO companies or agencies: These organizations also have a pool of highly qualified experts in Pune to choose from. If you are looking for a team of experts, an agency may be a good option for you.

Note: It is assumed that you are aware of the difference between hiring a single SEO expert versus hiring a company or agency, and that you are specifically searching for an individual expert in Pune.

Build A List Of Potential SEO Experts In Pune

In order to find the best SEO experts in Pune, you can follow these steps:

  1. Begin by searching for “SEO expert in Pune” on Google Maps. Make a list of at least 10 experts with the best reviews and recommendations from the search results.
  2. Next, check the organic search results for the same keyword and make a list of individual experts whose websites rank well. Shortlist at least 5-10 candidates from this group.
  3. Finally, consider shortlisting at least 5 experts from third-party websites such as Upwork, Freelancer, and Clutch. These platforms often feature reviews and ratings to help you make an informed decision. By following these steps, you should have a solid list of potential candidates to consider for your SEO needs

You should now have a list of 25-30 potential SEO experts in Pune. Create a spreadsheet or excel sheet and record their names for easy reference.

Shortlist The Right Candidate For Your Business

When searching for an SEO expert in Pune, it’s important to be aware of the different types of experts you may encounter.

Technical SEOs:

SEO experts who specialize in technical optimization approach search engine optimization from a mechanical standpoint. They may focus on improving website loading speed, making the site more crawlable for search engines, adding relevant and reliable links, eliminating duplicate content, and creating a site map. While these experts may be skilled at manipulating search engines to achieve faster results, their tactics may also lead to negative SEO practices that can harm your website or result in penalties from search engines. It’s essential to be cautious and choose an expert who follows best practices and ethical guidelines.

Human SEOs:

Human SEO experts prioritize the user experience when it comes to search engines, particularly Google, which holds a significant market share. They focus on making the user experience more enjoyable and align their practices with recent updates and advancements from Google. These experts excel at general SEO strategies such as content marketing, on-page optimization, outreach and guest posting, and conversion rate optimization. They aim to provide readers with helpful and informative content that answers their queries and helps brands achieve organic, long-term growth. If you are looking for an SEO expert who places a strong emphasis on the human side of search engines, a human SEO specialist may be the right choice for your business.

Expert Opinion:

To improve your website’s search engine rankings and achieve more sustainable results, it’s crucial to work with an SEO expert in Pune who has a comprehensive understanding of both technical and human aspects of SEO. When searching for a candidate, focus on individuals with strong technical skills and a user-centric approach. You can also refer to Google’s official webmaster guidelines and Maile Ohye’s tips on hiring an SEO to ensure you find the right fit for your business.

Now that you have a list of potential SEO experts in Pune, it’s time to narrow down your choices based on certain criteria.


When evaluating potential SEO consultants, it’s important to consider their level of experience in the field. An experienced SEO professional will have a thorough understanding of various strategies and will be able to effectively implement campaigns. They will also have likely saved you the cost and time of trial and error by already learning from past mistakes. Consider adding an “Experience” column to your spreadsheet and noting the number of years each candidate has been working in SEO. However, it’s important not to rely solely on experience when making your decision. Make sure to also consider other factors such as their technical expertise, communication skills, and overall approach to SEO.

Diversity of Projects

The tactics and techniques used in SEO can vary significantly depending on the type of business and its goals. For instance, the approach for an e-commerce website may not be suitable for a SAAS project. Additionally, the needs and challenges of small businesses can differ significantly from those of larger enterprises. When searching for an SEO expert, look for candidates who have served a diverse range of clients and have a tailored approach for various industries, supported by successful case studies. This will ensure that the expert you choose has the expertise and experience to effectively address the specific needs and goals of your business.

SEO Success Stories and Case Studies

When evaluating potential candidates for an SEO expert, pay close attention to those who have published successful case studies on their websites. These case studies can provide valuable insight into a candidate’s expertise and their ability to deliver results for clients. If you come across a case study or success story that is particularly relevant to your business, consider prioritizing that candidate on your list. By carefully reviewing the published work of potential candidates, you can get a better understanding of their capabilities and determine which ones are the best fit for your business.

Let’s Jump To The Table

Now that you have compiled a list of top SEO experts in Pune, it is time to reach out to the top candidates on your list. To begin the process of hiring an SEO expert, consider contacting the top 7 candidates and attempting to schedule an initial call with them. This call will provide an opportunity for you to learn more about the candidate’s expertise and approach to SEO, as well as ask any questions you may have about their experience and services. By speaking with a variety of experts, you can get a better sense of who might be the best fit for your business and its specific needs.

Interview Questions for an SEO Expert in Pune: A Comprehensive List

Below are some questions you may want to ask an SEO expert in Pune during an interview:

  • Can you tell me about your background and experience in SEO?
  • Could you provide some examples of campaigns you have managed in the past that have seen significant success with SEO?
  • How do you approach link building and off-page optimization?
  • Could you explain your process for tracking the effectiveness of an SEO campaign and providing regular updates to clients?
  • How do you adapt to changes in the SEO landscape, such as algorithm updates?
  • Do you have any references or testimonials from previous clients that I could review?
  • Could you provide details on your pricing and fee structure for SEO services?
  • Can you provide a timeline for when I can expect to see results from an SEO campaign?
  • How do you stay up-to-date with the latest SEO trends and best practices?


In addition to the above questions, you may also want to ask the candidates to provide a list of five quick fixes they would recommend to improve the organic performance of your website (assuming it is already set up). This can give you a sense of their expertise and approach to problem-solving. After gathering this information from each of the top 7 candidates, you can use your budget, team size, and other criteria to select the best SEO expert in Pune for your needs. By taking a thorough and thoughtful approach to the selection process, you can find an expert who is well-suited to your business and capable of driving lasting results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers

What is the average length of time it typically takes for an SEO campaign to produce noticeable results?

According to Google, it can take anywhere from 4 months to a year for an SEO campaign to potentially show results after implementing recommended changes. It’s crucial to set reasonable goals for your hired SEO expert in Pune, as excessive pressure may lead them to use harmful SEO techniques that could harm your website’s rankings. Make sure to clearly communicate your expectations and give them the necessary time and space to achieve the desired results.

What is the typical cost range for SEO services in Pune?

The price of hiring an SEO professional in Pune can vary based on various factors such as the size of your website, the complexity of your SEO needs, and the experience and reputation of the specialist. On average, you can expect to pay between ₹25,000 and ₹1,25,000 per month for SEO services in Pune.

Keep in mind that the cost of hiring an SEO specialist in Pune is an investment in your business. By improving your search engine rankings and increasing traffic to your website, an SEO specialist can help you attract more customers and generate more revenue. While the initial cost may seem steep, it can ultimately pay off in the long run.

When searching for an SEO specialist in Pune, it is advisable to obtain quotes from several specialists and compare their prices and services. This can help you find the best option for your business and budget.

SEO Services Offered by Professionals in Pune

Some of the SEO services offered by professionals in Pune include:

  • Keyword research: Identifying the keywords and phrases that potential customers are using to search for products or services related to your business. This helps create optimized content that can improve your search engine rankings.
  • On-page optimization: Optimizing your website’s content and structure to make it more easily accessible and understandable by search engines. This can include optimizing titles, meta descriptions, and headers, as well as ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly and has a fast loading speed.
  • Link building: Acquiring links from other websites to your own. These links act as “votes of confidence” from other websites and can help improve your search engine rankings. SEO professionals in Pune may use a variety of tactics to build links, such as guest blogging, creating infographics, or developing relationships with other websites.
  • Content creation: SEO professionals in Pune may also offer content creation services, such as writing blog posts, articles, or other types of content that are optimized for your target keywords. This can help improve your search engine rankings and attract more visitors to your site.
  • Reporting and analysis: Most SEO professionals in Pune will also provide regular reports and analysis of your website’s performance, including its search engine rankings, traffic, and other metrics. This helps track the success of your SEO campaign and make any necessary adjustments.

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